Disclaimer: This was an independent, unsponsored review. Contains affiliate links.
The Graco Blossom is truly the “Transformer” of the high chair family. It can accommodate 2 children (of different ages) which is perfect for a new family, or a growing family. It is specifically designed to grow with your child through their youth, so if you’re looking to double your bucks, stop that buck right here!
I started out wanting a FP Space Saver HighChair. We don’t have a very big eating area in the kitchen, so I was looking to save some space. When I visited the store to see it in person, it was too small! We used one at a friends house, it didn’t allow Red to sit comfortably or play in the kitchen. It also gets dirty EASILY, although it is machine washable, doesn’t wipe clean quickly and stains easily.Then I noticed the Graco Blossom 4-in-1 Seating System
in stores. I LOVE IT. A LOT. Even with a compact footprint, this chair does a LOT. It can be used from the newborn stage, using 3 different recline positions, so if your newborn is bottle fed, they can eat in full recline. Babies that still need a little tilt to learn how to use the bottle can use the second recline stage, and for solid feeding, purees, and playtime, the upright position can be used.
The chair reclines by squeezing the red handle at the back top of the chair backrest. It is easily located because of it’s large shape, and is easy to squeeze with one hand.
As you know, Red is a big guy, so we removed our infant insert long ago. But it was wonderful to have for the ten seconds that he was small. The cushion bolsters around the shape of your newborn, with small wing pillows around the hips. The seatbelt pieces easily slip into the slits. (Complimentary colors to which ever color scheme you choose.) The cover is completely machine washable (on cold, like colors) and you need to lay flat to dry, or hang on a drying rack – NOT machine dry-able. Just unhook the two bottom hooks, two side hooks and the elastic around the back. The straps are also machine washable. They disconnect easily and come very clean.
The Graco Blossom 4-in-1 Seating System
has 2 sets of wheels – a fixed set for the front, and a swiveling, lockable set on the back. This allows for maneuverability in the kitchen, and ease of movement when I need to whisk Red and his chair into the bathroom so I can try to grab that quick shower before he screams bloody murder.
The high chair also features a 3-height adjustable footrest for your older babes. I do have a gripe with this feature – it was HARD to put on. As in, sit on it and jump, and it’s still not clicking into place. So I think where it did end up going on (the lowest position), that’s where it’s going to stay.
Graco installed a sweet height adjustment feature. If you decide to feed the baby on various chairs with different heights, the highchair will follow you. Want to stand and feed? The high chair raises back up to 6 different levels. There are large red hand levers on the legs, beneath the seat height, that can be grabbed, depressed and the chair moves up and down with relative ease (in a photo later in the blog). I have used this function a lot. Especially when Hubs and I have turns feeding Red. (I’m 5’3″ and Hubs is 5’11”).
Now, I will ask you to fasten your seatbelts! The seatbelt on this highchair is pretty excellent. One button push release, which is important when your baby is spitting up all over the place, or starts grumping to get DOWN NOW! The 5- point harness is perfect for little babies who do not yet have stability to pull themselves upright, but the shoulder straps can be left unused for older babies who want more freedom.
As if the high chair doesn’t already have enough features, I am now about to blow your mind (that is, if you don’t already know about these nifty things!) The Graco Blossom 4-in-1 Seating System
has lots of extras that come with it. For instance, lots of trays that provide easy to clean surfaces and lots of space. There are 2 different trays included and one tray cover. The black toddler tray is the base, and is the one that has the arms to connect into the high chair. It also features the Graco label that is one hand-squeezable to remove the tray. On top of that, the light gray baby tray clicks on EASILY. It attaches via two red handles underneath, and clicks right back on, smoothly. The top layer is a clear layer that has a few ridges and a cup-holder space.
The clear layer is the most useful. It clicks off to be washed after every meal, and if you have a dishwasher big enough, is dishwasher safe. This is the one exception for the tray. I have a standard dishwasher, but the configuration of the plate holders prevent me from putting it in there. That being said, a quick rinse and wash and drip dry are all we need to keep it clean.
Speaking of cleaning, the high chair cover is completely wipeable. I don’t have to use harsh cleaners, or even put it in the washing machine every week. And I like that a lot. The high chair itself comes OFF the base unit and clicks into another nifty accessory – the booster seat.
The booster seat attaches to a chair in your home the way most others do. An adjustable strap around the back, and one around the base of the chair, making it very sturdy. It also has a seat belt with crotch strap (3 point) for wiggly little babies. The back of the booster seat is removable for older toddlers, and adjustable for smaller ones (see the 2 slots on the inside side of the seat?). A red lever on the back (red levers everywhere on this thing!) clicks easily to move it.
The booster seat itself has yet another function. The side of the high chair has two little red buttons (again with the red) that can be pushed, which lift off the high chair set so it can be set on the (back removed) booster seat. Oh yeah. A portable high chair that you can take with you. Or you can take the booster – it’s up to you!
You can see both the height adjustment levers & the seat removal buttons here |
High chair portion ON the booster seat base |
Lastly, the high chair base performs a function when you remove the high chair seat to use it on the booster base. It become what Graco calls a “youth chair”. Lowering the chair using the aforementioned adjusting levels helps seat your child at the height of the table.
All in all, the Graco Blossom 4-in-1 Seating System
is pretty bada$$. I don’t regret my choice at all. Red is now 9 months old, and I use this thing all the time. Red likes to sit and play in it while I cook, and he relishes eating in it.
I enjoy reading your blog. I only wish you had it before I had my little one. He just turned 7 months yesterday.
And I love having you here! Thanks so much for reading. Let me know if you have questions, or ideas for posts that you’d like to see! Thanks again!
Thank you for your detailed explanation of each part of chair function. It helps me alot. Thanks
You’re welcome! I’m glad it can help. 2 years into owning it, after a few wipes it still looks new and we seriously abuse this thing!
are the straps easy to remove and clean??
Yes!! They are T shaped on the back end, fold ones way and they slip through the holes easily. I throw them in the washer machine, too. Lay flat to dry (and they do so quickly). Even with thick spaghetti, they come clean!
I have one as well and am in LOVE with it! we take the removable base and infant seat when visiting friends or grandparents.
Totally agree. When we go somewhere, the booster seat is perfect! When we have friends come over, the youth chair is a perfect addition! It’s really the best highchair out there. So glad you like yours!
Graco baby high chair comes in various size and helps in easy feeding to baby with seatbelts.
Where did you get yours?? I’d love to get this high chair in these colors and can’t find these colors as an option anywhere! -Sarah L.
Hi Sarah! This chair was bought in early 2011 from BabiesRus, and it isn’t available anymore! They do carry the Botany scheme, which is the closet, and amazon carrries the Vance scheme here: http://ow.ly/y9joa . Let me know if I can help!
Oh darn! Yes, I’ve seen those. So sad because the only ones they have now only have fun colors in the infant insert. Once they grow out of that, the highchairs are so plain! I’ll probably get one of those anyways just because the reviews are so good and they seem so practical. Thanks!
This high chair has so many more features than ours! I love the tray, though (ours has the same removable piece.) It’s so easy to clean – even if you can’t fit into the dishwasher.
The Graco Blossom 4-in-1highchair is amazing. I like the various adjustments and how comfy your son seems to be sitting in it.
As a mom who had the Fisher Price Space Saver – well- I wish I had this one. The Graco has more versatility!
What a cool highchair! I sure wish I had this one for my little dude!
Can you please tell me if the higchair can be folded after each meal and which dimensions does it have?
Thanks for reading along! No, the highchair cannot be folded. It has a fairly small footprint, but doesn’t shrink down. The specs are as follows:
Weight: 31.8 lbs
Height: 41″
Width: 22.5″
Depth: 29″
While reading through your website I came across a picture I thought looked familiar. It looks like another popular baby website has stolen photos from this article.
You can see them here, someway down the page:
“topreviews24x7.com/baby-high-chairs/” (without quotation marks)
This is absolutely disgusting as they are profiting off photos that you have taken.
I am terrible sorry that this has happened to you, but google is really good at removing this content from the web, and I thoroughly recommend you take action. Keep writing awesome articles!
Hi! Doing my highchair homework and stumbled on your page. Cute! Anyhoo..when you take the high chair off the legs and strap to chair (sending infant to grandmas) dies it still recline? Thanks so much!!
Hi, Summer! Yes, the actual seat, once placed on the booster bottom, will recline, but it may depend on the back of the dining chair you put it on. The base may need to sit forward a bit before it’s strapped in. I’m still using this system now with my second baby, and it’s still like new! Let me know if you have more questions!
Thank you!!
Thank you for this article! My 5 mo. old son is pretty big at 20 lbs. Do you think he needs the insert? I am asking because this high chair is only $100 if I buy the chair w/ the purple (girly) insert but more expensive if i buy a different color high chair. I am hoping I can buy the cheaper high chair and remove the infant insert the way you did.
I would honestly go with the cheaper color. The insert: I only used it for like 4 months and then ditched it – especially if your son is tall, it may hinder more than help, and you’re still left with a recline if you need it. Save some cash for sure! 🙂
This looks like a really great high chair. I like that it has wheels!
That’s really a lifesaver, even to this day. Swivel and roll across the kitchen!