Happy Thanksgiving from the Redhead Home to yours!
I hope you are spending time with loved ones or friends, or at least making plans for the holiday season for visits with those people! Hubs, Red and I are headed a very short way to visit Hubs’ family for a Thanksgiving feast! (Followed by much much Xmas decorations!!) If you find yourself with little ones (or yourself!) and feel crafty, take a look at our craft from yesterday and make this easy bird yourself!
Get yourself a milk jug (or something comparable),
… as well as foam/construction paper/ magazines and some scissors and glue. I spray painted the jug lightly with brown leftover spray paint and modge-podged it shut. The plastic doesn’t hold paint well otherwise. You can always leave it plain!
I used an Xmas magazine that came in the mail as my template medium. I cut a feather the shape I wanted, as well as eyes, wings and a head (not pictured). Cut out your choice of feather colors (we used 5) and create a head, wattle and beak. (only boy turkeys have wattles).
Here are our pieces that we made, sans coloring in the eyes. Next, we used hot glue (it was the only kind in the house… I really need to work on those toddler-friendly craft supplies) to assemble our head and other feathery appendages.
Glue your assembled head onto the jug handle and your feathers along the back of the jug, in any shape you desire. If your little one is old enough to tell you “what they are thankful for”, you can write these things on the tail feathers. We left ours blank this year, although I’m sure Red would say Drink, Doo-lay, Blankie, and Go.
Tada! Your very own cheap/free Thanksgiving decoration and table decor! Enjoy, and
Happy Thanksgiving!
(P.S. This was the only shot I could get Red to stand still for…. More on that later)
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